CRM Solutions

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case 11

RedReport is an automated system designed for the generation of reports.

Successful creation of an automated system for generating progress reports for Kelnik Studios.
3 months
6 months
Symfony, Doctrine (MySQL),

About the project

RedReport is a system designed to generate reports that comprehensively cover the promotional activities of Kelnik Studios.

IT project task

The primary objective of the RedReport project was straightforward: We aimed to streamline and optimize the operations of the promotion department. Specifically, the goal was to empower the department to generate reports for its clients as frequently and efficiently as possible.

Kelnik Studios is a leading promotion company. Every month, it prepared performance reports for each client, consuming a significant amount of resources.

We divided this main task into components:

  • Customer project management involves the ability to add and organize information efficiently
  • Gathering project data from LiveInternet and Google Analytics
  • The ability to generate reports incorporating tables, graphs, and text, with a flexible capability to edit such information, was also a crucial requirement
  • The ability to effortlessly create Microsoft Word documents in alignment with Kelnik Studios' corporate style

Delivered Solutions

Iterations played a pivotal role in the project's ultimate success. The preliminary preparation stage was intense, including personal meetings with the customer, internal discussions, and follow-ups. Typically, each iteration spanned about a month.

All our efforts were coordinated through Basecamp: several Kelnik employees had direct access to it, enabling them to leave comments and feedback, share ideas, and submit requests and bug reports.


The project was developed using Symfony, version 2.3. Additionally, we utilized Doctrine for database interactions. The following is a list of Symfony bundles that were employed:

  • friendsofsymfony/user-bundle
  • friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle
  • knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle
  • knplabs/knp-menu-bundle
  • doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle
  • doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle
  • avalanche123/imagine-bundle
  • sensio/buzz-bundle
  • fabpot/goutte
  • widop/google-analytics-bundle
  • oldsound/rabbitmq-bundle
  • evercodelab/hipchat-monolog-bundle
  • exercise/htmlpurifier-bundle

IT project results

The project posed its challenges, but we successfully achieved our goal. Moreover, we even provided partial access to the system before its final release. With the solution now in place, reports can be generated with just a single click. This means there's no longer a need to gather screenshots of diverse graphs or copy-paste table data from numerous sites and sources.

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