MPA, SPA, and PWA web applications: differences and specifics.

In today’s world of web development, there are three main approaches to creating web applications: single-page (SPA), multi-page (MPA), and progressive (PWA). Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages and is suitable for certain tasks.

Single Page Applications (SPA)

SPAs are single-page web applications that load on a single HTML page and utilize dynamic updating via JavaScript. The advantages of SPAs include instant response to user actions, no need to reload pages and user-friendliness. However, SPA has disadvantages: high browser load due to heavy client-side frameworks, the necessity of JavaScript support, and the risk of memory leaks in JavaScript.

Multipage Applications (MPA)

MPA’s are multi-page applications that follow the traditional pattern of refreshing pages when data changes or new information is loaded. The advantages of MPA include ease of SEO optimization and familiarity for users. However, MPA has disadvantages: the close connection between the back-end and front-end, the complexity of development, and the need to use both client-side and server-side frameworks.

Progressive Applications (PWA)

PWAs are progressive web applications that interact with the user as an app and can be installed on the home screen of a smartphone. The advantages of PWAs include cross-platform, high speed, quick installation, and fast development. However, PWAs have disadvantages: not all browsers support basic app features and additional work is required for SEO optimization.

The choice between MPA, SPA, and PWA depends on a specific task and the needs of your project. If you need to display a large amount of content and ease of SEO optimization is important, then MPA is the best choice. If you need multifunctionality, rich UI, and API, choose SPA. If cross-platform, high speed and quick installation are important to you, PWA is your option.

Evercode Lab offers mobile app development for iOS and Android using modern technologies and approaches. We build applications that meet our customer’s needs and business goals.