In today’s world, information technologies (IT) play a key role in business development. They allow companies to automate processes, optimize costs, and increase efficiency and competitiveness. However, technologies are constantly evolving and changing, and Evercode Lab helps to develop, adapt, and implement modern solutions in our clients’ businesses. In this article we will consider the main trends of IT development in 2024 and how they can affect businesses.

1. Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are becoming increasingly popular and accessible. They allow to automate everyday tasks, analyze vast amounts of data, and make well-informed decisions. These technologies can be used in various industries such as finance, healthcare, manufacturing, etc.

Business impact: AI and ML can help companies increase efficiency, reduce risks, and enhance the quality of products or services. However, they can also lead to job loss and changes in market structure.

2. Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that connects physical objects with the Internet. These objects can exchange data and interact with each other without human involvement. IoT is used in various fields such as manufacturing, transportation, energy, etc.

Business impact: IoT can help companies optimize processes, increase productivity, and reduce expences. However, it can also lead to data breaches and cyberattacks.

3. Blockchain

Blockchain is a technology, that allows data to be created and stored as a chain of blocks. This chain is immutable and accessible to all participants in the network. Blockchain is used in various fields such as finance, logistics, supply chain management, etc.

Business impact: Blockchain can help companies increase transparency, reduce risks, and speed up processes. However, it can also lead to changes in business models and appearing of new competitors.

4. Cloud technologies

Cloud technology is a model for providing on-demand computer resources and services over the Internet. These resources and services can be accessed from anywhere and from any device. Cloud technologies are used in various fields such as software development, data storage, website hosting, etc.

Business Impact: Cloud technologies can help companies reduce expenses, and increase flexibility and scalability. However, they can also lead to dependence on a cloud service provider.